Finding the Mount Manuel Trail – Hike 2

Extravagant flagging, an unhappy couple, Launtz Creek Camp is “found”
but have to shortcut trail

(with Paul Danielson)
Hike 2 = Orange
Over a year after our first hike, in February of 2012 Paul Danielson and I decided to re-visit the “lost” Mount Manuel Trail – to go beyond the ‘Apex of Brushiness’ which had stopped our last hike and hopefully reach, and so “find”, Launtz Creek Camp.  This turned out to be the most interesting hike of my 11 hikes “finding” the Mount Manuel trail.

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Finding the Mount Manuel Trail – Hike 1

Little tread, much brush, give up at “Apex of Brushiness”
Find sign and rockwork, Paul follows deer track
(with Paul Danielson)
Hike 1 = Red
February 2011 found myself and Paul Danielson, who had introduced me to the wonders of hiking old trails in the Ventana Wilderness, at Pico Blanco Boy Scout Camp.  We’d obtained permission and gate access, but were warned the dirt road was very rough as not worked on since summer.  Indeed it was – I needed the 4WD of my Xterra, newly bought for just such places.  Being my first time there, the camp’s setting under tall stately redwood trees with nearby creek was very impressive and peaceful.


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Finding the Mount Manuel Trail – Mapping technique

All hikes

Of the “lost” trails I GPS’d, the north end of the Mount Manuel Trail took more effort than any other.  And in the end, was the one trail not completely mapped when foot problems prevented further work.  In several sections the route went over steep slopes from which all tread had eroded and no trail clues could be found. In all, I made 11 hikes there between 2011 and 2016 looking for traces and clues (while aging from 65 to 70).

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Unquestioned ignorance spreads mis-information

Wilderness boundary facts vs. un-facts
(after being called “criminal”)

Everyone knows the internet is full of mis-information.  And that mis-information is often passed on via social media.  Having a gap in one’s knowledge, “simple ignorance”, becomes “damn ignorance” when that gap is filled with incorrect assumptions, or even made-up “facts”, and posted to the web as factual without any attempt to question or verify, spreading still more mis-information. 

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NatGeo creates a Big Sur map
(but gets it wrong)


In 2005 Wilderness Press (“WP”) produced the first sheet map available for the backcountry Big Sur trails – before that, hikers had to depend upon upon quadrangle maps with their many drawbacks.  I first used that WP map when exploring the Ventana Wilderness and always liked its very clean and readable format, with trail lines clearly displayed atop contour lines.

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Black Butte semi-bushwhack: views from the fifth-highest Ventana peak

Round trip: 3.2 miles & 900 ft elevation gain & 5 hours
Hike date: December 26, 2017

Interactive map:  Can zoom & drag

  To Peak       From Peak       GPS Route  

(Click here for full-size interactive map)
Many don’t realize that Black Butte is the fifth highest peak in the Ventana (and in Monterey County), only 35 ft lower than South Ventana Cone.  In fact, some have not even heard of Black Butte! Yet the views from there are magnificent – the summit is narrow, so gives a 360° panorama from a 4936 ft elevation.

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Elfin Redwood Forest: Andrew Molera State Park

Elfin Redwoods – Andrew Molera SP
(Click for interactive map)
I was ignorant – I called them Cypress trees.  Actually, I knew they didn’t quite look like Cypress – but their wind-blown shaping was akin to what I’ve seen in Cypress and I didn’t know what else they might be.  Surely not Redwoods, those magnificently tall trees we here on the Central Coast know so well – these trees were only 15-20 ft high.

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The 2017 Molera State Park: after the flood

Hike date: December 6, 2017
2016 & 2017 Molera SP Trailmaps
(click for larger image)
I went out to see what the current Molera State Park looks like.  Only the Post Summit ridgeline was burnt by the 2016 Soberanes fire – but the following winter’s heavy rainfall events caused the Big Sur River to overflow and flood lower sections of the park, notably its parking lot and campground.  The park was closed for a long time, then re-opened this summer but with many trails closed.  Currently only the Bluffs, Bobcat, Creamery Meadows, Panorama, Ridge, and Spring Trails are open.

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